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World War 1 & 2 - Detailed information
Compiled and copyright © Tony Cutt 2014

Located at Welford, St Mary the Virgin Church, West Street, Welford are two memorials, one internal and the other external. The external memorial is situated in the grounds of St Mary The Virgin Church and takes the form of a foundation supporting a four-stepped, square, base directly surmounted by a rectangular sectioned, rough-hewn, parallel-sided, Latin cross with a bronze figure of Christ and the Crucifixion attached to the front face of cross; on the front facing is the inscription on three faces of the front, base, steps with the lowest step face also bearing WW1 names, although two of these names are partially obscured but just legible. A further angled tablet at the foot of the lowest base step bears World War 2 inscription and four names. All leterring is in th form of pinned, lead, lettering and numerals. Inside the church is a further Roll of Honour that is freestanding, framed and glazed. On both memorial are listed 30 names for World War 1 and four for World War 2.

Photograph Copyright © Tony Cutt 2014

Internal dedication:

1914 - 1918


1939 - 1945


They shall grow not old as we that are left to grow old.
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

External dedication:


ADAMS Alfred Augustus
b.1893 - d. 24th May 1915, France & Flanders. Private7173, 2nd Btn East Surrey Regiment. Awarded 1914/15 Star, British War Medal & Victory Medal. Born in Welford, in 1911 lived on West End,Welford with parents Joseph & Lavina and sister Dora b.1900. On the 1911 census Joseph is shown as a carpenter & joiner and Alfred is shown as a carpenters apprecntice.
ADNITT John Carter
b. 1890 – d. 16th January 1916, Belgium. Corporal 20049, 7th Btn Northamptonshire Regiment. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. Born in Welford, in 1911 lived on High Street, Welford with parents Joseph & Hannah. Joseph was a farm labourer from Yelvertoft. John’s online army record shows that on joining he was a police constable living on Hall Lane, Welford. An online will is available. A photo of his headstone/plaque is available online.
BROOKS William S P
b.1899 – d. 24th August 1918, France & Flanders. Private 39908, 1/21st Btn East Surrey Regiment. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. William ~Sidney P Brooks was born in Welford, in 1911 he lived on High Street, Welford with grandmother, mother, auntie, uncle and two siblings, Iris M Brooks b.1898. Raymond Brooks b.1900.
b.1893 – d. 28th April 1915 France & Flanders. Private 13090, 1st Btn Northamptonshire Regiment. Awarded 1914/15 Star, British War Medal & Victory Medal. Jack was born & lived in Welford, his father was Welford PoliceSgt Thomas Burrows and mother Frances Ellen Burrows. Jack had four siblings, Frances Burrows b.1895. Tom Burrows b.1894. Mand Ellen Elizabeth Burrows b1893 & George Glithera Brrows b.1900. Army record online, including copies of letters from his father. An online will is available
BUSWELL Joseph [William]
b.1897 – d. 20th February 1917, France. Private G/61749, 23rd Btn Royal Fusilers (London Regiment). Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. Born in Welford, son of Joseph & Emma Ann Margaret Buswell nee Stapleton, who lived in Back Street, Welford in 1901 with Joseph’s mother Alice. Joseph William Buswell had 3 siblings, George F Buswell b.1900. Albert Stapleton Buswell b.1904. Joe Buswell b.1907. Joseph William Buswell is not listed in either the 1901 or 1911 census. Between 1901 and 1904 the family appear to have been in Godstone, Surrey because that is where Albert Stapleton Buswell was born. In 1911 Joseph Buswell snr married Maud Ellen Glover. In the 1911 census it shows Joseph snr along with his mother Alice, new wife Maud Ellen Buswell and two sons Fred Buswell (bel’d Georger Frderick Buswell) and Albert Stapleton Buswell living on West Street, Welford.
b.1883 – d. 25th March 1918, the Somme,France. Private 27429, 2nd Btn Northamptonshire Regiment. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. Born in Welford, son of William & Elizabeth Butlin of Back Street, Welford. William is shown as a tailor outfitter. Harry had four siblings, Carrie E Butlin b.1878. Elizabeth Butlin b.1879. Alfred H Butlin b.1880. Sarah E Butlin b.1882. In his will Harry left £142 2s 6d, to his father, shown as a grocer at that time.
CLAY Frank [Collis]
b.1894 – d. 22nd October 1914, Belgium. Lance corporal 9699, 1st Btn Leicestershire Regiment. Awarded 1914/15 Star, British War Medal & Victory Medal. Frank was born in Welford and in 1901 lived on High Street with his mother and 5 siblings, Albert Clay b.1889. Lillian Clay b.1896. Maggie Clay b.1898. John Clay b.1899. George Clay b.1901. By 1911 the family had moved to Great Bowden and Frank’s occupation is shown as being a Type Founder.
1892 – d. 4th November 1917, Egyptian Theatre. Private 310880, 1/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. Harry’s parents were Charles & Mary Cooper, Harry and all his 5 siblings, Selina Cooper b.1880. Beatrice Mary Cooper b.1884. Kate Jessica Cooper b.1886. Maud Cooper b.1888 and Mary Winifred Cooper b.1895 were born at Pinley Abbey, Nr Rowington, Warks. In 1901 the family were living in Little Billing but by 1911 they were living at Welford Lodge, where Harry’s father was a farm foreman.
COXHILL Arthur Henry
b 1894 – d. 9th May 1915, Belgium. Private 7180, 2nd Btn East Surrey Regiment. Awarded 1914/15 Star, British War Medal & Victory Medal. Arthur was born in Preston Bissett, Bucks, his parents were Harry & Emma Coxhill, by 1911 the family were living at West Street, Welford, Harry’s occupation is shown as labourer on an estate and Arthur is a farm labourer. Arthur had four siblings, Joseph Coxhill b.1892. Herbert Coxhill b.1896 (also shown on Welford Memorial), Annie Elizabeth Coxhill b.1898 and William Coxhill b. 1903.
b. 1896 – d. 3rd May 1917, France. Lance Corporal 18423, 6th Btn Northamptonshire Regiment. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. Herbert was born in Norton, Northanmptonshire, his parents were Harry & Emma Coxhill, by 1911 the family were living at West Street, Welford, Harry’s occupation is shown as labourer on an estate and Herbert is an errand boy/grocers. Herbert had four siblings, Joseph Coxhill b.1892. Arthur Henry Coxhill b.1894. Annie Elizabeth b.1898 and William b.1903.
DES VOUEX Frederick [William]
b. 1889 – d.14th September 1914, France. Lieut, Grenadier Guards. Frederick was born in Hong Kong whilst his father, Sir G.William Des Voeux GMCG was Governor of the Colony. Awarded 1914/15 Star, British War Medal & Victory Medal. Sir George and Lady Des Voeux lived at 51 Eaton Square, Westminster, London by the time of WW1. Frederick joined the royal Navy in 1905 and left in 1909 due to ill health, he joined the Grenadier Guards in 1910. Frederick is buried in Soupir Churchyard. A photo of him is shown online in De Ruvigny’s Roll of honour 1014 -1924. Frederick left £7011.11s.5d in his will to his mother dame Marion Denison Des Voeux widow. Frederick’s sister was Emma Bettine Des Voeux, wife of Maj Guy Paget of Sulby Hall.
b. 1895 – d. 27th March 1918, France. Second Lieutenant, 11th Btn East Lancashire Regiment. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. In 1901 Sidney lived with his parents Henry & Annie Gardner and 6 siblings, George Gardner b.1878. Henry Gardner b.1892. Frank Gardner b.1893. John Gardner b.1892 Edgar Gardner b.1898 and Ida Gardner b.1900, these incuded some who also served in WW1, Henry is shown as a farmer and employer in 1911 and Sidney is shown as a farmer, the family lived on West End, Welford. His estate shows he left £96.5s.7d to his mother, Annie Gardner a widow.
b. 1899 – d. 16th April 1918, Belgium. Private 41720, 2/6th Btn South Staffordshire Regiment. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. In 1901 Frank lived on High Street, Welford with his parents John & Emma Grant and four siblings, Edith Emma Grant b.1898. John Herbert Grant b.1901. Ernest Edward Grant b.1902 and Sarah Ellen Grant b.1903 . In 1911 Frank was still living on High Street, Welford and still at school.
b. 1886 – d.25th April 1918, France & Flanders. Rifleman Z/257, 2nd Btn Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consorts Own). Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal.Walter was born in Welford and in 1901 lived on High Street,Welford with his parents William & Hannah Griffin and two siblings, Hannah E Griffin b.1884 and Margaret E Griffin b.1898. In 1901 Walter is shown as an errand boy, port . By 1911 Walter was a ‘Second Horseman Domestic’ at Wheeler Lodge Stables.
GROOM John Thomas
b. 1885 – d. 18th September 1918, France. Lance Corporal 202837, 6th Btn Northamptonshire Regiment. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. John’s parents were John Thomas Groom & Katherine Groom nee Woodhouse, she was born in Welford and came from a large Welford family, they married in 1884. In 1891 John lived with his parents and 3 siblings at The Grand Union Inn, Crick, By 1911 the family had moved to West Street, Welford, four of John’s siblings are listed there, Arthur Groom b1887. Mary Jane Groom b.1888. Albert Frank Groom b.1890. Ada Alice Groom b.1897 and Robert William Groom b.1898. John may have moved to Coventry by 1912 and married an Emily Osborne there.
No further information currently available
INGRAM, DSO, MC Thomas Lewis

b. 1875 – d. 16th September 1916, The Somme,France. Captain, Royal Medical Corps, attached to 1st Btn Kings Shropshire Light Infantry. Awarded British War Medal, Victory Medal , Military Cross & Distinguished Service Order Medal. The 1911 census shows Thomas Lewis Ingram living in Welford with his wife Lillian Loveday Emily Donnithorne, born in Limerick, Ireland. They had married in South Kennsington, London in 1909.

Captain Thomas Lewis Ingram, R.A.M.C., attached to the Shropshire Light Infantry, who was returned as missing about a month ago (BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, September 30th), was killed on or about the night of September 16th while searching for wounded in front of the enemy wires. He was born in 1875 in Brighton, the eldest son of Mr. Thomas Lewis Ingram, barrister, of the Middle Temple, and educated at Cambridge, where he graduated M.A., and at the London Hospital. He took the diplomas of M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P.Lond. in 1903. After filling the posts of houseplhysician and assistant house-surgeon at the Poplar Hospital, and senior house-surgeon at the Westminster Hospital, he went into practice at Welford, where he lived with where he was medical officer of the fifth district of the Lutterworth Union, and of the Welford district of the Market Harborough Union. He served with the Middlesex Yeomanry in the South African war, gaining the medal with three clasps. He took a temporary commission as lieutenant in the R.A.M.C. on September 14th, 1914, was promoted to captain on completion of one year's service, received the Military Cross on September 6th, 1915, and the D.S.O. on May 31st, 1916.

Captain Ingram left an estate of £2462.14s.6d.

JANASZ George [Gee Janasz]

b.1893 – d. 15th June 1915, France. Second Lieut, 3rd Btn Wiltshire Regiment. Awarded 1914/15 Star, British War Medal & Victory Medal. James was born in Surrey, son of Joseph Adolf Janasz & Mary Spencer Janasz nee Gee (she was born at Elkington, Welford). On James medal card, where there is an entry for his father requesting his medal, an address of Salford House, Welford is given. James left £42.11s.3d according to will and administrations.

JANASZ, JAMES GOERGE GEE, 2nd Lieut. 3rd (Reserve) Battn. Dorsetshire Regt., attd 2nd Battn. Wiltshire Regt., only son of Jozef Janasz of Boscombe, co Hants; b London, 4 Jan 1893; educ Sherborne (where he was for several years in the O.T.C) and Corpus Christi College, Oxford; gazetted 2nd Lieut. To Dorsets, 4th Nov. 1914; left for France, 24 March, 1915, and was killed in action near Festubert, 15 June following, while leading his platoon in an attack on the German trenches;His commanding officer, Lieut-Col. W.S.Brown, wrote: “I must express to you our greatest admiration of your son. He died gallantly leading his men against the enemy and was hot through the head about 200yds in front of German trenches. His Capt., who is the only officer not hit in the two leading companies, could not say enough in his praise today”.

James father Joseph, who was born in Warsaz, Russian, Poland, died in 1943 and left an estate of £30641. 0s. 10d which was quite an amount in those day’s.

JOHNSON John Henry
b. 1892 – d. 11th January 1919 Egypt theatre. Gunner 192809, Royal Garrison Artillery (anti aircraft sec). Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. In 1911, John lived with his parents Harry & Rosannah Eliza Johnson and sibling Cyril W L Johnson b.1909 on West Street, Welford. John later married Amy Butlin, High Street, Welford and according to his army record they had a daughter Phyllis Johnson b 14th January 1917.
MEADOWS Thomas Miles
b. 1893 – d. 6th April 1916, Belgium. Lance Corporal 15364, 7th Btn Northamptonshire Regiment. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. Thomas was born in Thrussington, Leics and by 1901 was living on High Street, Welford with his parents Andrew & Emma Johnson and three siblings, Joseph F Meadows b.1891. Mary G Meadows b.1895 and Dorothy F Meadows b.1900. By 1911 the family still lived in Welford but Thomas is shown as being in service in Middx.
MIDDLETON Frederick George
b 1897 – d. 9th August 1918, France & Flanders. Private 203965, 6th Btn Queens Own (Royal West Kent Regiment). Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. Frederick or Fredrick on some records, was born in Welford and lived with his parents James & Annie Middleton and by 1911 he was a farm labourer at the age of 14 years and had three siblings, Francis Middleton b1899, William Middleton b.1901 and Edward Middleton b.1904. Fredericks father and grandfather had been born in and generations born in Welford may go back even further.
PAGE George [Harry]
b. 1891 – d. 8th July 1916, France & Flanders. Private 22979, 2nd Btn Northamptonshire Regiment. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. George was born in Welford, a son of John & Sarah Page. The family lived on Back Street, Welford where George had five siblings John W Page b.1888. Laura F Page b.1889. Charles E Page b.1893. Ethel M Page b.1895 and Arthur Page b.1896.
PAGE, MM Herbert Jphn
b. 1892 – d. 15th April 1918, France & Flanders. Lance Corporal 36161, 9th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers. Awarded British War Medal, Victory Medal & Military Medal. Herbert, also known as Jack, was born in Welford, the son of Thomas & Louisa Page, in 1911 they lived on High Street, Welford with Herbert’s three siblings, Edith Page b.1893. Ernest Page b.1895 and Gwendoline Page b.1900. Herbert’s father was a ‘journeyman butcher’. There is a suggestion that Herbert is buried in Welford old Churchyard, plot B3A near to West Street boundary.
SWINGLER William James
b. 1886 – d. 30th April 1917, France. Private 205192, 16th Btn Middlesex Regiment. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. William was born in Welford, the son of James & Mary Ellen Swingler, in 1911 the family lived on West End, Welford with William’s three other siblings, Mary Ellen Swingler b.1902. Edith Florence Swingler b.1903 and John Swingler b1905. In 1916 he married Charlotte Maria Howe and they lived at 101 Grosvenor Road, Rugby. William was a postman before the war, he enlisted 18th March 1916 and served with the expeditionary force in France and Flanders. He died at Casualty Clearing Station number 8 from wounds he received in action.
TOLLER [Edward] Northcote
b. 1885 – d. 20th July 1916, France. Captian, 20th Btn Royal Fusiliers. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. Edward was born in Kettering, the son of solicitor Edward Paul Toller and his wife Annie Toller. They are all part of an extensive family spreading to all parts of the UK and beyond. The Northcote part of his name has featured in many of the family going back many years. In 1901 Edward was at a boarding school in Kettering, his education continued at Rugby. By 1911 he is shown as a solicitor and boarding with a family in Stanwix, Cumbria. Edward had four siblings and one of his sister’s was Isabel Nora Toller who married the Rev’d Francis Cyprian Woodhouse MA, of Welford Vicarage. Edward would have at least been a visitor to the Vicarage and may have lived there or elsewhere in the village for a while. Edward left an estate of £204.14s.5d.
TOSELAND [Frederick] Arthur
b. 1879 – d. 4th May 1917, at Sea. Private 39067, RASC & 7th (Blythswood) Btn (Territorial) Highland Light Infantry. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal.Frederick was born in Syston,Leicestershire a son of Arthut & Jane Toseland, nee Seaton, they were married in 1874 in the Brixworth, Northamptonshire District. Frederick had 5 siblings, Emma b.1875 North Kilworth. Obed Charles b.1877 Naseby. Sarah b.1881 Barkby,Leics. Annie b.1883 Barkby. Ellen b.1885 Barkby. Charlotte b.1889 Barkby. In 1877 Frederick’s father was a blacksmith and was declared bankrupt, by 1881 he was again working as a blacksmith in Barkby, Frederick’s father died in 1900. By 1901 Jane and her children had moved to the Shoulder of Mutton Public House, High Street, Welford and Frederick had started work at Wheeler Lodge near Welford as a domestic groom, living in the stable yard. By 1911 Jane Toseland still ran the Shoulder of Mutton public House and died in 1916, the pub continued to be run by two of her daughters. By 1909 Frederick was working as a gardner at the Long Grove Asylum, London and later at Horton Asylum, London. On the 5th of September 1909 he married Mary Day, 25yrs, at Emmanuel Church Maida Hill, Marylebone and lived nearby. There is no record of any children and Mary died in 1918. The soldiers died CD states that Frederick enlisted at Aldershot and the ‘London County Council Record of War Service’ book states he served from 1915-1917. He was in the ‘Hired Transport Ship’ Transylvania travelling from Alexandria,Egypt to Salonika, fully laden with troops and escorted by Japanese war ships, a German submarine attacked off Cape Vado, just south of Savona Italy and the boat sank, around two and a half thousand men were saved but 400 died, Fredericks body was never recovered but he is listed on the Savona memorial to the missing. Frederick is also listed on the Epsom Memorial and the Horton Mental Hospital Memorial. -
b. 1887 – d. 5th November 1918, France. Private 75383, 12th Btn Manchester Regiment. Walter enlisted at Market Harborough. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. Walter was born in Yardley Hastings, Northants, a son of David & Ellen Underwood. He had six siblings, Arthur Underwood b.1878. Ada Underwood b.1882. Frederick Underwood b.1884. Lizzie Underwood b.1890. Florece Underwood b.1897 and Ellen Underwood b.1900. Walter’s army record does not survive but more than one army service related source gives his place of residency as Scaldwell, Northants. Accoring to Walters daughter Florence Ringrose nee Underwood b. Abt 1913, her mother was Mary, known as Polly, and the family moved to Welford, where she had seven other siblings Reginald, Richard, Douglas, Ken, Gladys, Dorothy and Freda, though Walter was not father to all of these. Florence remained in Welford till she married. There is a photo of Walter provided by his daughter and Walter is listed on the Yardley Hastings war memorial and a ‘driver’ Walter Underwood is listed on the war memorial plaque inside Scaldwell Church.
WARREN Frederick [Hubert]
b. 1887 – d. 27th September 1916, France. Private 9018, 1st Btn Northamptonshire Regiment. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. Frederick was born in Welford, a son of Thomas and Hannah Warren, the family lived on Back street, Welford with Fredericks four siblings, William A Warren b.1879. John W Warren b.1880. Elizabeth Warren b.1894 and Thomas G Warren b.1898. Frederick’s father is shown as an Army Pensioner in later census.. Frederick is listed in the 1911 census as being in the 2nd Btn Northamptonshire Regiment stationed at Malta.
No further information currently available
WHITE Ernest
b.1890 – d. 9th December 1914, Hove,Sussex. Private 14480, 2nd Btn Grenadier Guards. Ernest is buried at Hove Old Cemetery. Records state he died at home, that may be literally as he married a local woman. Awarded British War Medal & Victory Medal. Although Ernest White is listed as such in several places, including Welford memorial, he was registered at birth as John Ernest White and used that name more frequently. Ernest was born in Welford as was his mother and siblings, his parents were John and Emma White nee Buswell and his two siblings were Emma E White b1893 and Kate White b.1895, in 1891 the family lived on Back Street, Welford. By 1901 the family had moved to Wilbarston, Northants and by 1911 Ernest had joined the 2nd Btn Grenadier Guards and was stationed at Blenheim Barracks, Aldershot. In the second quarter of 1914, John Ernest White married Violet Annie Barden at Steyning, Sussex. The is some evidence that went to Australia afterwards and died at the age of 86 years in N.S.W. In the last quarter of 1914 the 2nd Btn were involved in the fighting of the first battle of Ypres and it is most likely here that Ernest was wounded, he was taken back to England and died of his wounds in Hove Sussex, which is where he is buried.
ALSO 1939 -1945
BROWN Erlin Leslie Ross
Sergeant 1263694, 102 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died 3 December 1942. Aged 30. Son of Frank and Winifred Jessie Brown; husband of Frances Eileen Brown, of Welford, Northamptonshire. Buried in Florennes Communal Cemetery, Namur, Belgium. Row 1, Grave 3.
Yeoman of Signals C/JX 126287, H.M.S. Calypso, Royal Navy. Died 12 June 1940. Aged 29. Son of Arthur and Kathleen McAlister, of Welford. No known grave. Commemorated on Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent. Panel 36, Column 3.
SAVILL James Anthony
Captain 78264, 2nd Battalion, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). Died 27 April 1943. Aged 23. Son of Maj. Philip Robin Lydall Savill and Ida Logan Savill, of Welford, Northamptonshire. Buriedm in Massicault War Cemetery, Tunisia. Plot II. Row D. Grave 13.
No further information currently available
HALL Harry


b 1892 – d. 27th September 1917, France & Flanders. Private 15993, 7th Btn Northamptonshire Regiment. Awarded 1914/15 Star, British War Medal & Victory Medal. Harry was born in Stewkley, Buckinghamshire, the son of Clara Hall. In 1901 he lived there with his grandparents and unlces. Harry’s name is included on the war memorial at Great Brickhill, Bucks. Harry’s circumstances in Welford are not known at this time but he is listed in the book by Captain Guy Paget of Sulby Hall, ‘History of the Raising of the 7th Service Btn , Northamptonshire Regiment’, Guy Paget was involved in raising men from Northamptonshire for the Btn, so it is possible Harry worked for him at Sulby Hall.

HAMMOND Claude Douglas


b 1897 – died 24th August 1915, France & Flanders. Private 9026, 4th Dragoon Guards (Royal Irish). Awarded 1914/15 Star, British War Medal & Victory Medal. Claude was born in Radyr, Glamorgan, in 1901 Claude lived in London with his parents, Arthur W & Mary Edith Hammond and brothers, Arthur O Hammond b1893 and Stanley F Hammond b.1898. By 1911 it appears the father had died and the family moved to Welford. Before WW1 Claude’s mother had moved to Leamington Spa, Warwickshire.

WILKINSON Harry Wilfred


b1890 – d. 6th February 1917, France& Flanders. Private 16019, 7th Btn Northamptonshire Regiment. Harry was born in Caynham, Shropshire, in 1901 he lived in Yarpole, Herefordshire with his parents, William Richard Wilkinson & Jane Curritte Wilkinson and six siblings, Edith M Wilkinson b.1884. Richard John Wilkinson b.1886. Alice J Wilkinson b.1888. Geoffrey Joseph Wilkinson b.1893. Cecil Allen Wilkinson b.1896 and William Ernest Wilkinson b.1899. In 1911 all the family, except Harry were still in Yarpole. Harry was a boarder at 78 New Cottages, Grinshill, Shawbury, Shropshire, where his employment is given as a ‘woodman’. At this time no exact address in Sibbertoft is known for Harry or why he was there, what is known is that he joined the 7th Btn of the Northants Regiment at the outset, this is known because his name is listed in the book by Guy Paget of Sulby Hall, ‘History of the Raising of the 7th (Service) Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment’.

Last updated 26 December, 2020

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